Obsidian Essence – Emptying the Boat while Living on the Pathless Path


The essence of Tao is that Tao is reality and when we see according to Tao we see only reality as it is. In Tao reality consists only of complementaries? What is it like for us to see in this way?

Taoist alchemy is a practise of self transformation that can be learned but can not be taught. There is no technique available. How can change happen without technique?

Patterns in Human Design are like patterns in Tao. How is it to look into Human Design as an expression of the pattern of Tao? In our Human Design charts we will find keys to how we are stuck in conditioning, and a recipe for becoming free of conditioning. We can find there our addiction to technique and a technique free way to dissolve this addiction.

This workshop will take place at Dharma Corfu on Monday May 29th. Practical details here.


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Tao means transcendence – transcendence of all duality, transcendence of all polarity,
transcendence of all opposites. Tao is the ultimate synthesis – the synthesis of man and woman, of
positive and negative, life and death, day and night, summer and winter.” Osho, Tao: The Pathless Path – volume 2 chapter one.